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:: Volume 8, Issue 4 (1-2021) ::
Iran J Health Educ Health Promot 2021, 8(4): 359-377 Back to browse issues page
Qualitative analysis of elderly physical activities development strategies and policies of selected and leading countries
Abolfazl Goodarzi , Ali Reza Elahi * , Hosein Akbari Yazdi
Abstract:   (3907 Views)
Background and Objective: Iran will become the oldest country in the foreseeable future according to Iran's statistical center report. Improvement of physical activity level between elderly is one of the most effective factors in correcting people's life style and helps in successful aging. Using the leading countries experience as appropriate pattern could consider as one of the backgrounds of macro planning for elderly physical activity developments. We tried in this survey to extract and conceptualize valuable points that are useful in area of aging crisis management for country's health and sports department future planning.

Materials and Methods: 23 valid and strategic documents and documents of elderly physical activity development planning of successful countries and valid and relevant international organization analyzed Which were uploaded and published in a reputable database between 2001 and 2019; They were crawled by Google Scholar and Google search engines and were validated in reputable databases such as ISI and Scopus or uploaded to government and official websites. Using the qualitative method of content analysis and the network of themes by the method of Brown and Clark (2006) until the theoretical saturation was analyzed. Manually and researcher-centered the Key, organized and basic themes conceptualized during 4 coherent phases of analysis and search for themes for this purpose and finally, their thematic network was drawn.

Results: The results of data codification during three phases and summarization of extracted key themes caused detection of 32 coherent themes and 5 basis themes including basic and structural components, software components, hardware components, social and cultural components and operational components, in addition to thematic network.

Conclusion: It is recommended that, country's health and sports department managers and authorities codify and perform useful strategic and operational plans for encountering to aging crisis and citizen successful aging by using this collection of extracted themes.

Keywords: elderly sports, strategic planning, successful aging, physical activity, themes analysis.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Public Health
Received: 2020/09/28 | Accepted: 2020/11/17
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Goodarzi A, Elahi A R, Akbari Yazdi H. Qualitative analysis of elderly physical activities development strategies and policies of selected and leading countries. Iran J Health Educ Health Promot 2021; 8 (4) :359-377
URL: http://journal.ihepsa.ir/article-1-1565-en.html

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