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:: Volume 10, Issue 1 (Spring 2022) ::
Iran J Health Educ Health Promot 2022, 10(1): 31-42 Back to browse issues page
Translation and psychometric properties of the cervical cancer screening self-efficacy scale
Shahnaz Ghalavandi , Fatemeh Zarei * , Alireza Heidarnia , Mahmoud Tavousi
Abstract:   (3041 Views)
Background and Objective: The aim of this study was to translate and psychometrics the Cervical Cancer Screening Self-Efficacy Scale.

Materials and Methods: A standard forward-backward translation method was used to develop the Persian version of the cervical cancer screening self-efficacy scale. The validity of the questionnaire was assessed through face validity (qualitative and quantitative), content validity (qualitative and quantitative) and construct validity (exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis) in 400 women. The reliability of the questionnaire was determined by test-retest method (calculation of intra-class correlation coefficient) and also internal correlation (calculation of Cronbach-alpha coefficient). Statistical analyzes were performed by SPSS24 and lisrel 8.8 software.

Results: The range of calculated CVR and CVI of scale items was (0.92-1.00) and (0.92-1.00) impact score of all items was more than 1.5. The range of Cronbach's alpha and ICC were calculated for the reliability of scale items respectively (0.66 – 0.85) and (0.846- 0.977). The three factors of "Confidence in controlling tangible barriers of Pap Smear test ", "Confidence in following Pap Smear test Instructions" and "Confidence in controlling intangible barriers of PAPS". In confirmatory factor analysis the fitted model based on these factors explained 58.29%of the self-efficacy in performing Pap Smear test. These factors confirmed by CFA (X2/df =3.3, CFI=0.91, GFI= 0.96, RMESA=0.081).

Conclusion:  Psychometric of Persian version of the cervical cancer screening self-efficacy scale with 8 items and 3 domains has proper validity and reliability to evaluate the cervical cancer screening self-efficacy in females.

Keywords: Psychometrics, Tools, Factor Analysis, Self-efficacy, Scale, Cervical cancer
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Health Education & Health Promotion
Received: 2021/08/15 | Accepted: 2021/10/14
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Ghalavandi S, Zarei F, Heidarnia A, Tavousi M. Translation and psychometric properties of the cervical cancer screening self-efficacy scale. Iran J Health Educ Health Promot 2022; 10 (1) :31-42
URL: http://journal.ihepsa.ir/article-1-1821-en.html

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