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:: Volume 5, Issue 3 (Fall 2017) ::
Iran J Health Educ Health Promot 2017, 5(3): 224-230 Back to browse issues page
The Study of Relationship Between Health Literacy and Nutritional Practice in High School Adolescents in Tehran
Farideh Saeedy Golluche , Zahra Jalili * , Reza Tavakoli , Shahla Ghanbari
Abstract:   (8002 Views)
Background and Objective:­The health literacy,skills and abilities of individuals are in  line with appropriate decision making in the field of health promotion. Adolescents are the age groups whose basic health literacy is essential for their nutritional practice . The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between health literacy and nutritional practice in adolescents.
Methods:The present study is a descriptive cross-sectional study that was performed on 400 boy and girl youngsters were selected by multistage-random sampling during the academic year 2015. The data were collected through questionnaires that included three parts:  a) individual characteristics ­b) health literacy (HELMA)­­c)the­nutritional­practice. Data analysis was performed with SPSS version 20 and proportional tests.
Results:50% of female participants, with an average age of 17 years and 74.5 % of adolescents had Limited ( inadequate and not so adequate) health literacy, 68 percent had average nutritional  practice. There was a direct correlation between aspects of health literacy with nutritional practice.   Namely, by increasing health literacy, nutritional practice is improved. (p-value< 0/001).
Conclusion: The results of this study showed the role of health literacy in the nutritional practice of the adolescents.  Due to high levels of limited health literacy in adolescents, health education interventions are necessary to improve health literacy among  teenagers.
Keywords: Health Literacy, Adolescents, Nutritional Practice
Full-Text [PDF 1068 kb]   (4675 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2016/09/2 | Accepted: 2017/08/16
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Saeedy Golluche F, Jalili Z, Tavakoli R, ghanbari S. The Study of Relationship Between Health Literacy and Nutritional Practice in High School Adolescents in Tehran. Iran J Health Educ Health Promot 2017; 5 (3) :224-230
URL: http://journal.ihepsa.ir/article-1-624-en.html

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فصلنامه آموزش بهداشت و ارتقاء سلامت ایران Iranian Journal of Health Education and Health Promotion
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