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:: Volume 9, Issue 2 (Summer 2021) ::
Iran J Health Educ Health Promot 2021, 9(2): 145-158 Back to browse issues page
Application of social cognitive theory on maternal nutritional behavior for weight of children 6 to 12 months with Failure to thrive (FTT)
Zainab Aghdasi , Hadi Tehrani , Habibollah Esmaiely , Mohaddese Ghavami , Mohammad Vahedian-Shahroodi *
Abstract:   (6064 Views)
Background and Objective: failure to thrive (FTT) is one of the most common and important problems in the age of 6 to 12 months. Maternal behavioral factors are the most important cause of FTT in children. One of the most important theories to improve the nutritional behaviors is social cognitive theory. This study was conducted aiming to identify the determinants of maternal nutritional behavior for children 6 to 12 months with FTT based on social cognitive theory.

Materials and Methods: This quasi-experimental study was performed with the participation of 100 mothers with children aged 6 to 12 months with FTT referred to health service centers in Torbat-Heydariye. Mothers were selected by cluster sampling and were divided into two groups of experimental and control. The educational intervention was performed in 6 sessions of 60 minutes. Data were completed using researcher-made questionnaires by mothers in three stages and analyzed by using SPSS24 software.

Results: Results showed that there was no significant difference between the two experimental and control groups before the educational intervention on score of the demographic variables. However, after educational intervention, there was a significant difference in maternal behavior and weight of child (P<0.05). There was a significant difference in the scores of social cognitive theory structures before and after the intervention (awareness, outcome expectation, outcome value, task self-efficacy, self-efficacy of overcoming obstacles, self-regulation, in case of situation, emotional adaptation, modeling) in the experimental group(P<0.05).

Conclusion: The results after the educational intervention showed the positive effect of education based on social cognitive theory on the behavior of mothers and the weight of children 6 to 12 months with Failure to thrive (FTT)

Keywords: Health education, Maternal behavior, Social cognitive theory, FTT
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Health Education & Health Promotion
Received: 2020/09/20 | Accepted: 2021/05/15
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Aghdasi Z, Tehrani H, Esmaiely H, Ghavami M, Vahedian-Shahroodi M. Application of social cognitive theory on maternal nutritional behavior for weight of children 6 to 12 months with Failure to thrive (FTT). Iran J Health Educ Health Promot 2021; 9 (2) :145-158
URL: http://journal.ihepsa.ir/article-1-1563-en.html

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