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:: Volume 5, Issue 3 (Fall 2017) ::
Iran J Health Educ Health Promot 2017, 5(3): 173-181 Back to browse issues page
Mothers' Experiences of Children's Tendency to Computer Games: a Qualitative Study
Maryam Moshirian farahi , Natges Goodarzy , Zahra Tabibi , Haniye Zarif golbaryazdi *
Abstract:   (6587 Views)

Background and Objective: In recent decades, coinciding with the emergence and expansion of new technologies,  major changes have taken place in the style and nature of children's games. The role of culture in acceptance and extension of computer games is the most important factor that should be seriously investigated. Therefore, the aim of this  study was to analyze mothers’experiences of their children tendency to computer games.
Methods: The research was carried out as phenomenology and colaizzi's proposed stages were used for  data analysis. The method of collecting data is semi-organized interviews with 20 mothers of children aged 4-7 years. Interviews were about parents' attitude towards the games, in particular, computer games, based on the theory of Developmental niche theory and were conducted in 1394.
Results: According to the results of data analysis, there are seven major reasons for the increase in children’s tendency to computer games: lack of enough space for kids to play group games; the fail in children's social interaction with others; parents do not devote enough time to their children; parents do not bother teaching games to their kids; parents’ and other children's use of computer equipment; the charm, variety, and complexity of computer games; and finally, the wide accessibility of computer games.
Conclusion: The results of this study highlight the cultural defects in nurturing children’s scene of games and also the need for future research on the ways to removing cultural weaknesses in order to overcome such barriers .

Keywords: computer games, parents' attitudes, children’s computer games phenomenology
Full-Text [PDF 942 kb]   (3677 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2016/10/2 | Accepted: 2017/04/22
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Moshirian farahi M, Goodarzy N, Tabibi Z, Zarif golbaryazdi H. Mothers' Experiences of Children's Tendency to Computer Games: a Qualitative Study . Iran J Health Educ Health Promot 2017; 5 (3) :173-181
URL: http://journal.ihepsa.ir/article-1-653-en.html

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فصلنامه آموزش بهداشت و ارتقاء سلامت ایران Iranian Journal of Health Education and Health Promotion
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