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:: Academic Engagement Investigating the Effect of Cyberloafing on the Sense of Happiness and Academic Engagement of Medical Students [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Addiction Impact of Training Choice Theory on Quality of Life and Happiness of People Quiting Drugs [Volume 2, Number 2]
:: Addiction, Theory of Planned Behavior, Parents, Prevention. Fathers’ Behavioral Intention and Behavior in Prevention of Children Tendency toward Addictive Drugs [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Adolescent Evaluating the Impact of an Educational Intervention Based on the Adapted Mental Health Literacy Curriculum on Barriers and Help-Seeking Behaviors Among High School Students [Volume 13, Number 2]
:: Adolescents The Role of Time Perspective and Peer Rejection in Predicting High-Risk Behaviors of Adolescents of Yazd City [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Afghan refugee adolescents Evaluating the Validity of Acculturative Stress Scale on Afghan Refugee Adolescents in Iran [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Africa and Eastern Mediterranean (WHO)Regions Key Health Financing Policies with Approach Risk-Sharing to Promote Health Systems in Poor and Developing Countries; Africa and Eastern Mediterranean (WHO) Regions [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Age Friendly City Elderly Friendly City Concepts and Indicators [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Aging Strategies for Promoting Elders’ Health with Sporting Activities: A Qualitative Study. [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Ahvaz. Understanding Childhood's Sexual Curiosity: An Introduction to Sexual Health Education and Health Promotion [Volume 3, Number 3]
:: Ahvaz. Evaluation of Breakfast Consumption among Elementary School Students in Ahwaz Based on BASNEF Model [Volume 4, Number 3]
:: Alborz Province. The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Quality of Life among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes [Volume 4, Number 1]
:: Alestar. The Relationship Between Sexual Knowledge and Marital Forgiveness With Mental Health of Married Women [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: AllamehTabataba’i University The Role of Perfectionism and Its’ Dimensions in Predicting Disordered Eating Behaviors Among Students [Volume 3, Number 1]
:: Anger rumination The Effectiveness of Aggression Replacement Training Program on Antisocial Behaviors, Anger Rumination of Adolescence Girls in Ahwaz [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Ankle Effects of a Warm up Program Consisted of Dynamic Stretch, Strength and Plyometric and Exercises (DSP) on Physical Health of Young Male Soccer Players with Prevention of Knee and Ankle Injuries Approach [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Antisocial Personality Disorders The Mediator Role of Difficulty in Emotion Regulation in Relation between Child Maltreatment History and Borderline and Antisocial Personality Disorders among Inmates Female [Volume 13, Number 1]
:: Arak. Predictive Factors of Smoking among Adults Based on Trans-theoretical Model [Volume 3, Number 3]
:: Ardabil The Role of Health Beliefs and Health Promoting Lifestyle in Predicting Pregnancy Anxiety among Pregnant Women [Volume 3, Number 3]
:: Ardabil The Relationship Between Social Interest and General Health Among Elderly Non-Resident and Resident at Geriatric Centers of Ardabil City [Volume 3, Number 2]
:: Ardabil. Effectiveness of Emotion Regulation Training on Reduction of Anxiety, Stress and Depression Symptoms among University Students [Volume 3, Number 1]
:: Athletes health. Effect of L-carnitine Supplementation on Health Indicators of Untrained Men Over a Period of Resistance Training: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: Attitude The Effect of Training of Parental Role on Mothers’ Attitude with Children Aged 1-5 Years with Respect to Children’ Abuse [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: Azadshar The Effect of Job Stress and Job Burnout on Mental Health of Elementary Teachers: Examining A Hypothetical Model [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: BASNEF Model Evaluation of explanation of the BASNEF model on smoking waterpipe among the students one of the medical universities located in the south of Iran [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: Bandar Abbas Effect of Educational Intervention Using Mobile on Life Style of Women Who Referred to Health Centers in Bandar Abbas [Volume 5, Number 2]
:: Bandar Abbas Tendency to Fish Consumption based on the Constructs of Transtheoretical Model in Women Referred to Health Centers of Bandar Abbas [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: Bandar Abbas Awareness and Attitude of Bandar Abbas Residents Towards Organ Donation [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: Bandar Abbas. Impact of Educational Intervention Based on Theory of Planned Behavior on Lifestyle Change of Patients with Myocardial Infarction [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences (BMSU). Relationship of Learning Styles in Students of Health Sciences with Lifelong Learning [Volume 4, Number 2]
:: Beck Depression Inventory. Khoramabad. Impact of Cognitive Skills Training on Reducing Depression Among Clients During Pregnancy & Postpartum Referring to Health Centers [Volume 3, Number 1]
:: Behavior Applying The Theory of Planned Behavior to Promote the Cardiovascular Preventive Nutritional Behaviors in Southeast Women of Iran [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: Behavior change. The Effectiveness of the Educational Intervention Based on the Extended Theory of Planned Behavior on Pro-environmental Behaviors [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Behavioral Skills Investigation of Factors Affecting Medication Adherence Status in Type 2 Diabetes Patients in the Southern Kerman Province Based on the Model of Information, Motivation, and Behavioral Skills [Volume 13, Number 1]
:: Behbahan Reasons Deemed for an Unwanted Pregnancy: A Qualitative Study [Volume 2, Number 2]
:: Behvarz (community health worker) Investigating the Effect of Traditional Education and E-Learning on Community Health Workers in Noor City Regarding Waste Management Based on Kirk Patrick Model [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: Birjand Health-promoting Behavior Factors Among Students of Birjand University of Medical Sciences [Volume 3, Number 2]
:: Borujerd. The Relationship Between Demographic Factors and Marital Satisfaction of Couples Intended to Divorce Referred to Family Judicial Complex in Borujerd County [Volume 5, Number 1]
:: Breast Cancer. Evaluating Effectiveness of Spiritual Health Education on Increasing Hope among Breast Cancer Patients [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: Bushehr Predicting Factors on Continued Intention of Waterpipe Smoking Among Women in Bushehr Using the Theory of Planned Behavior [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: Bushehr Determinant Factors of Mental Health Based on Social Cognitive Theory Among High School Girl Students of Bushehr [Volume 2, Number 2]
:: Bushehr Comparison Effect of Different Aspects of Weight on Some Factors related to Physical Fitness among Female and Male College Students in Bushehr [Volume 4, Number 3]
:: Bushehr. Impact of Education for Adherence to Therapy Based on Health Promotion Model on the Quality of Life in HIV-infected Patients [Volume 4, Number 3]
:: Bushehr. Gender differences in Obeying Traffic Regulations and the Related Cognitive Factors among Elementary School Students in Khorramabad City: Application of Health Belief Model [Volume 4, Number 3]
:: CABG Prevalence of Anxiety, Depression and Stress in CABG Candidate Patients and Factors affecting it at Farshchian Cardiovascular Hospital in Hamadan [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: COVID-19 Exploring the Experience of Street-Working Children in Tehran during the Pandemic [Volume 12, Number 3]
:: Cancer The Role of Health Beliefs and Illness Perceptions in Predicting Health-Promoting Behaviors in Cancer Patients [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Cancer. The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment education on improving the mental health and quality of life of elderly people with cancer [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), Knowledge, Skill. Assessment the Medical Sciences Students` Knowledge and Skill About Basic Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) in Accidents and Disasters [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Celiac The Effect of Self-care Training Based on Orem's Theory on the Quality of Life of Parents of Children with Celiac Disease [Volume 13, Number 2]
:: Cervical cancer Translation and psychometric properties of the cervical cancer screening self-efficacy scale [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Chabahar. The Impact of Educational Intervention Based on Health Belief Model on Promoting Self-Care Behaviors in Patients with Smear-Positive Pulmonary TB [Volume 2, Number 2]
:: Child. The effect of playing-based exercises on weight, body mass index, and fat percentage of overweight children with developmental coordination disorder [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Childbirth Pregnancy worries in nulliparous women: A qualitative content analysis study [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: Children Designing, Implementing, and Evaluation a Health Promotion Program Using PRECEDE-PROCEED Model on the Participation Rate of Mothers, with Preschool Children (3-6 year), in Fluoride Varnish Program [Volume 12, Number 2]
:: Children Relationship Between Age, Gender And Body Mass Index With Performance of Fundamental Motor Skills Among Children Aged 7-10 Years [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: Children The prevalence of dental caries and related factors in children aged 7 and 8 years: A cross-sectional study [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: Chronic pain. Comparison of the Effectiveness of Mindfulness Training and Massage-Aromatherapy on Rising Psychological Health of Elderly Women with Chronic Pain [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: Cigarette pack warning message, attitude, reaction, smokers Attitude And Reaction to Health Warning Message Of Cigarette Packaging On Smokeres [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: College student The Relationship between Meaning in Life and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Status among College Students of Iran University of Medical Sciences In 2013 [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: Community Participation Community Action: A Strategy for Health Promotion [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: Community Support and Health Services Evaluation of Transportation Infrastructure and Urban Space of Tehran based on The Indicators of Age Friendly [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Congenital Design and Evaluation of a Mobile Phone-based Oral Health Educational Application for Children and Adolescents with Congenital Heart Defects [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: Content Analysis Motivations for providing care in family caregivers of hemodialysis patients: A qualitative content analysis study [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Content Analysis Strategies for Improving Prenatal Care in Women with Physical and Motor Disabilities: A Qualitative Study [Volume 12, Number 2]
:: Continuous Care Model The Effect of Sleep Health Education Program Based on Continuous Care Model on Sleep Quality in The Elderly [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: Contractual content analysis Identifying the Factors Affecting People's Participation in "Education by People for People" During Covid-19 Outbreak: A Qualitative Study [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: Coronary artery The Investigating Rate of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy in Reduces Perceived Stress and Increase Life Expectancy in Women Suffering Coronary Artery Disease [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: Coronavirus/COVID-19 Application of health belief model for predicting COVID-19 preventive behaviors among adolescents in Isfahan city [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: Depression Comparison of the Effectiveness of Behavioral Activation and Its Combination with Mental Contrasting with Implementation Intention on Health Promotion of Female Adolescents with Depressive Mood [Volume 13, Number 1]
:: Depression Effectiveness of Frankl’s Logotherapy on Health (Decreasing Addiction Potential and Increasing Psychological Well-being) of Students with Depression [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Dezful. Application of Self-Efficacy Theory in Nutrition Education for Weight Control in Obese and Overweight Female High School Students [Volume 4, Number 2]
:: Dezful. The Impact of Applying the Breast Crawl (TBC) with other Educational Strategies on Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy after the First Breastfeeding among Primiparous Women in Dezful [Volume 5, Number 1]
:: Diabetes Type 2 The Effect of Physical Activity Program Based on Pender Health Promotion Model on Type 2 Diabetic Middle-Aged Women’s Mental Health [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Diabetes Type 2 The Effect of E-Learning on Self-Care Behaviors of People with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Babol [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Domestic violence. Concepts and Indexes of Elder Abuse: The Conceptual Framework for Applied Studies in the Field of Elder Abuse [Volume 5, Number 1]
:: Drug Use The Effectiveness of Drug Use and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Prevention Package on Drug Use and High Risk Behaviors Reduction Among College Students [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Eating behavior overweight and Obesity The Structural Model of Brain- Behavioral Systems, Impulsivity ,Alexithymia and Cognitive Emotion Regulation with Eating Behavior [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Eating behaviors The Effect of Education Based on Health Belief Model on Eating |Behaviors and Weight Control on Female High School Students in Ahwaz [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Education Investigating the Effect of Educational Intervention Based on the Stages of Change on the Attitude and Behavior of Married Women to Have Children [Volume 12, Number 2]
:: Education Evaluation of Health System Development Plan and Basic Education Transformation Plan Based on Health System Assumptions with Emphasis on Education [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Education The Effect of BASNEF Model-Based Education on Preventive Behavior of Leishmaniosis in High School Students [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: Education Comparison of the Effect of Verbal and Nonverbal Education Based on Self-Efficacy Theory on the Self-Efficacy of Osteoporosis Prevention Behavior in Brides Who Were Referred to Pre-Marriage Counselling Center in Zanjan in 2017. [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Education Program Designing and compiling oral health self-care education program for oral cancer patients [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: Educational Intervention Investigation The Effect of Improving Physical Activity Based on The Theory of Preplanned Behavior Among Patients With Hypertension Referred to Rural HealthCare Centers of Rasht in 2014 [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: Educational Intervention. The Effect of Educational Intervention Based on Virtual Social Network on Occupational Stress among Employees of Tehran University of Medical Sciences [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Educational Planning The Role of Educational Planner in E-Learning Process Improvement: Developing Teaching Strategies, Teachers’ Rolls, Concept, and Evaluation System [Volume 4, Number 4]
:: Elderly Developing a model of psychological well-being in elderly based on life expectancy through mediation of death anxiety [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Elderly The Efficiency of Theory-Based Education on Mental Health Subscales in Elders: Application of Theory of Planned Behavior [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Elderly Social determinants of health and lifestyle in the elderly [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: Elderly The survey of Factors Related to Consumption of Omega-3 Supplements Based on the Constructs of Health Belief Model in the Elderly Alzheimer Prevention [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Elderly Effect of exercise on depression in elderly [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: Elite Athletes Mental Health of Iranian Elite Athletes [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: Emotional Social Support Cervical cancer screening: The Investigation of the Effectiveness of a theory- based interventional study using expanded Protection Motivation Theory [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Extended Parallel Process Model. Predictor factors of preventive behaviors based on Extended Parallel Process Model (EPPM) in residents of Bushehr province in 2021 [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: FTT Application of social cognitive theory on maternal nutritional behavior for weight of children 6 to 12 months with Failure to thrive (FTT) [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Factor Analysis Design and Psychometrics of Tools for Measuring the Consequences of Virtual Social Networks on Married Life [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: Factor-analysis Factor structure, psychometric properties of the Persian version of Perceived Vulnerability to Disease Questionnaire [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Family Determining Behavioral Preventive Factors of Blindness based on BASNEF Model in the Chaharborj Village, City of Esfarayen [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: Family Caregivers Burden The Effect of Coping Skills Training on Family Caregivers' Burden of Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: Fasa The Effect of Educational Intervention Based on Social Cognitive Theory on Self-care Behavior of Patients with Diabetes Referring to Comprehensive Health Service Centers in Fasa [Volume 13, Number 2]
:: Female Investigating the factors related to preventive behaviors against Corona among women on the outskirts of Mashhad using the Pender health promotion model [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: Games The effect of combined Training Program on Sleep Hygiene among of girls primary school students [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Geller Model Assessment Health,Safety & Environment Culture in an Oil Refinery Based On Geller Model [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: Gifted The Mediating Role of Satisfying Basic Psychological Needs on The Relationship Between Parenting Styles and Mental Health in Gifted Students [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: Girls The Role of Family and School on the Formation of Gender Identity of Girls: A Qualitative Study [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Golestan. The Effectiveness of Physical Activity Training on Depersonalization and lack of accomplishment of Employees [Volume 3, Number 2]
:: Gonabad. Application of Theory of Planned Behavior in Predicting Intention and Action of Preventing Tobacco Use among Students of Gonabad University of Medical Sciences [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: Gorgan. Factors Associated with Urine and Genital Tract Infection Preventive Behaviors among Women Referred to Gorgan Health Centers Based on Health Belief Model [Volume 3, Number 1]
:: Gorgan. The Impact of Educational Intervention to Increase Self Efficacy and Awareness for the Prevention of Domestic Violence Against Women [Volume 3, Number 1]
:: Graduates Investigating the Challenges of Health Education and Promotion Based on Qualitative Content Analysis [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Grounded theory study. Model of Education Policy for Food Safety: A Grounded Theory Study [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Grounded theory. Anti-marketing of Drug Abuse by Means of Grounded Theory [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Hairdresser Predictors of Preventive Behaviors Against the Common Acute Respiratory Viral Infections among Female Hairdressers in Urmia: Application of Extended Protection Motivation Theory [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: Hamadan The Effect of Theory and New Communication Technologies-Based Lifestyle Intervention on the Weight Control of the Employees with Overweight and Obesity [Volume 3, Number 3]
:: Happiness Social Capital and its Relationship with Quality of Life and Happiness in 18-65 Years Iranian Population: A National Survey [Volume 12, Number 3]
:: Health Belief Model Socio-Cognitive Factors Affecting Non-Participation in the Colorectal Cancer Screening Program of Adults Aged 50 to 70 in Iran [Volume 12, Number 3]
:: Health Belief Model The Effect of Educational Intervention Based on Health Belief Model on Nurses’ Stress Management in Intensive Care Units [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: Health Belief Model Effect of a Training Intervention Program Designed Based on Health Belief Model on Adopting Behaviors Preventing Dental Caries in Students [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Health Belief Model Effectiveness the Theory-Based Intervention Based on Health Belief Model on Health Promotion Lifestyle in Individuals Susceptible to Cardiovascular Diseases [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Health Belief Model The Effect of Educational intervention base on Health Belief Model on performing Pap smears in women of Fasa city [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: Health Belief Model, Anemia, Health Education Effect of nutritional education based on HBM model on anemia in Golestan girl guidance school students [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Health Education Evaluating the Effectiveness of Health Education Courses, Workshops and Packages on Promoting Health Literacy of Elementary Students and Providing Quality Solutions: Mixed Approach [Volume 13, Number 1]
:: Health Education Predictive Factors Related To Self-Care Behaviors among Type2 Diabetic Patients by Using Social Cognitive Model [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Health Education Comparison of Group Training and Individual Counseling on the Physical Activity of Adolescent Girls: An Application of the Health Promotion Model [Volume 12, Number 3]
:: Health Education The Effect of Educational Intervention Using Mobile-Based Health Technology (mhealth) on Sexual Health Literacy of Iranian Couples: A Randomized Field Trial [Volume 13, Number 1]
:: Health House, weight management, obesity, physical activity Identifying the Effects of Training of Obesity Prevention and Weight Management an the Knowledge of Clients to Neighborhood Health House in the City of Tehran [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Health Promotion Prerequisite to Design a Health Promotion Intervention with a Social Marketing Approach to Reduce Fast Food Consumption among Students: A Formative Research with Mixed-Methods Approach [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: Health Promotion Urban Open Spaces Supporting Physical Activity and Promoting Citizen’s Health: A Systematic Review [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Health Promotion The effect of educational empowerment interventions on IBD patients in worldwide: A systematic review of randomized clinical trials [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Health Status support for adolescent leisure time physical activity; based on subjective norm and the restructuring ability: A structural equation modeling approach [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: Health Villages Designing a health tourism marketing model in health villages [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: Health ambassadors Effect of Empowerment of Rural Islamic Councils on the Implementation of Individual Self-Care Programs [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Health behaviors The Relationship Between Internet Addiction, Social Development and Health Behaviors of High School Students in Tehran [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Health education. The effects of health education program on knowledge and attitudes of people suffering from hypertention [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Health promotion Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Psychological Flexibility and Health Promotion Among Mothers with Autistic Children [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Health-Promoting Hospitals Evaluation of General Educational Hospitals Affiliated to Mashhad University of Medical Sciences Based on the Standards of Health-promoting Hospitals [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: Health. Design and Psychometrics of the Preventive Behaviors against Corona Questionnaire [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Healthy Lifestyle Study of health-promoting lifestyle and its effective factors in the employees of Tobacco Company [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Healthy workplace assessment tool Indigenization of Healthy Workplace Model of World Health Organization: A Participatory Approach [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: High School Students Application of Health Belief Model (HBM) to Promote Preventive Behaviors Against Iron-deficiency Anemia Among Female Students of High School Fereydan City: A Quasi-Experimental Study [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: High school students The Effect of Health Belief Model- Based Training (HBM) on Self- Medication among the Male High School Students [Volume 2, Number 1]
:: Hormozgan. Effect of Peer Education on Health Promoting Behaviors of Junior High School Students [Volume 3, Number 2]
:: Hospita Patient Safety Culture Assessment of Clinical and Paraclinical Staff Perspective in Selected University of Medical Sciences Hospitals in Tehran [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Hospital accredization. Prioritizing the Quality Criteria of Hospital Services from the View of Service Providers and Recipients [Volume 4, Number 2]
:: Hospital personnel Effect of education on improving the communication skills among medical imaging unit personnel in Tehran Najmia Hospital [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: Households Investigating the effect of educational intervention based on The theory of planned behavior on the behavior of household waste segregation among households in Nowshahr [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: ISO10015 Standard Method Comparison of the Effect of Mothers' Education by Two Routine and Standardized Methods in the Enhancement of the Self-Efficacy of Exclusive Breastfeeding: An Experimental Study in the Field [Volume 13, Number 3]
:: Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex. The Effectiveness of Educational Intervention based on the Health Belief Model on Eating Style and the Severity Reduction of Menstrual Pain among Clinical Personnel of the Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex [Volume 4, Number 2]
:: In-situ training A Comparison Between Impact of a Health Education Program Using In-situ Training and Text-Messaging on Lifestyle and Blood Pressure in Military Personnel at Risk of Hypertension [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Inter-Professional Education. Investigation of the Validity and Reliability of Attitude Towards Inter-Professional Education (IPE) in Health Care [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: Interpretive approach A Qualitative analysis of the Constraints of women's social vitality in Kerman [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: Intervention Study the effect of education based on the theory of planned behavior in the prevention of AIDS among addicts [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Iran survey educational interventions provided in health promotion schools in Iran: a systematic review [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: Iran The Role of Media Consumption on Physical Activity Based on Health Pattern in Iranian Students by Pender's Model [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Iran Development of Mental Health Indicators in Iran [Volume 2, Number 1]
:: Iran Factors affecting help-seeking behavior in women exposed to spousal violence in Iran [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: Iran Performance of Police-Assistant Students Compared with the Other Students in Schools of Hamadan, Concerning the Prevention of Road Traffic Injuries [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Iran A survey on Subjective well-being and related factors in student of Guilan University of Medical Sciences(GUMS) [Volume 2, Number 1]
:: Iran. Low back pain educational programs and quality of life in women living with chronic low back pain: a semi experimental study [Volume 2, Number 1]
:: Iran. Exploring Indicators of Successful Parenting of Adolescents among Iranian Families: A Qualitative Study [Volume 3, Number 3]
:: Iran. The Challenges and Solutions for Action of Social Determinants of Health in Iran: A Qualitative Study [Volume 2, Number 1]
:: Ischemic Heart Disease Relationship Between Perceived Social Support and Psychological and Social AdjustmentAmong Ischemic Heart Disease Patients [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Isfahan Feeding Behavior Associated With Gastric Cancer [Volume 3, Number 2]
:: Islamic-Iranian lifestyle Foresight of the health system at the national level based on the Islamic-Iranian lifestyle and by identifying the goals and actions of key actors [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: Izeh. Promoting Physical Activity in Women Referred to Health Centers Applying the Trans-theoretical Model [Volume 3, Number 1]
:: Jajrood. A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Two Training Methods of Nutritional Behavior of Elementary School Students: Opportunistic vs. Multimedia Training [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: Job stress The Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Stress Management Training on Job Stress and Psychological Well-Being [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Kalat County. Relationship of Perceived Benefits and Perceived Barriers with Regular Physical Activity Among Employees of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences [Volume 5, Number 1]
:: Karaj Determinants of Physical Activity among Patients with Cardiovascular Metabolic Risk Factors based on the Educational Factors of PRECEDE Model: A Mixed Method Study [Volume 4, Number 1]
:: Karaj. Evaluating the Mediator Role of Marital Adjustment in Relation to Prediction of Physical and Mental Health among Primary School Married Teachers [Volume 4, Number 4]
:: Kashmar. Determining the Theory of Planned Behavior’s Predictive Power on Adolescents’ Dependence on Computer Games [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: Kenarak. The Effectiveness of Educational Program Based On BASNEF Model on the Urban Taxi Drivers’ Healthy Lifestyle [Volume 4, Number 2]
:: Kerman. The Impact of Pictograph-Based Education on Knowledge, Attitude, Self-Care, Fasting Blood Glucose and HbA1c Levels in Type 2 Diabetic Patients in Kerman [Volume 4, Number 3]
:: Kermanshah. Relationship Between Personal And Social Adjustment With Locus of Control and Gender in Intelligent High School Student [Volume 3, Number 2]
:: Kermanshah. Identification of Factors Associated with Breast Cancer Screening Based on the PEN-3 Model among Female School Teachers in Kermanshah [Volume 4, Number 1]
:: Khash. Preventive Behaviors of Brucellosis in Khash City Ranchers Based on Health Belief Model [Volume 4, Number 4]
:: Khorramabad Effect of Theory-Based Education on the Promotion of Preventive Behaviors of Accidents and Injuries among Mothers with Under-5-years-old Children [Volume 4, Number 3]
:: Khuzestan. Effects of Nutrition Education on Anthropometric Indices, Biochemical and Sonographic Findings of Patients with Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) [Volume 5, Number 1]
:: Knowledge, attitude, practice, physical activity, Students. The Study of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Towards Physical Activity College Students Living on Campus in Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Science [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Law enforcement officers Interactive Role of Self-Efficacy in the Relationship Between Social Support and Quality of Life of Law Enforcement Personnel [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Life style Effective Factors related to Fast-foods Consumption in Bandar Abbas: A Community-Based Study [Volume 2, Number 2]
:: Long-term suffering Pain Sensation and Long-term Suffering due to Chronic Pain in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Mediating Role of Self-efficacy [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Love styles Causal Model of Extramarital Affairs Based on Attachment Styles and Early Maladaptive Schemas: Mediating Role of Marital Intimacy and Love Styles [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Low-Income Developing a Social Marketing Model to Promote Well-Informed and Low-Income Middle- Aged Participation in Regular Physical Activity, a Qualitative Study [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Mandatory seat-belt law. Effective Factors of Seat-Belt Use in Front Seat Passenger on Urban Trips of Bushehr: Application of Protection Motivation Theory [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Maragheh. Impact of Education on the Empowerment of Elementary School Students to Perform Source Recycling [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: Marital Adjustment Comparetive of Emotional Focused Couple Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Marital Adjustment and Marital Satisfaction [Volume 5, Number 2]
:: Markazi Province. Prioritization of Health Education Techniques in Markazi Province Health Center through Analytical Hierarchy Process and Goal Programming [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: Mashhad. The Effect of Meta-Cognitive Therapy and Educating the Components of Spiritual Intelligence on Generalized Anxiety Disorder of Students [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: Mashhad. Prediction of Self-Care Behavior Using Extended Theory of Reasoned Action among Women with Type 2 Diabetes Referred to Health Centers of Mashhad [Volume 4, Number 2]
:: Mathematics Disorder The Effect of Self-Regulation Empowerment Program Training on Neurocognitive Functions of Students with Mathematics Disorder [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Maximum oxygen consumption Effects of Chronic Hookah Consumption on Aerobic Capacity, Resting and Sub-maximal Heart Rate in Men Who Are Trained and Untrained [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Mc Master Model of Family Function. Influence of Family Function about Youth Dependence to Synthetic Drugs [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Menopause Investigating the Impact of the Designed Educational Program Based on the Pender Health Promotion Model on the Quality of Life of Postmenopausal Women [Volume 13, Number 1]
:: Menstruation Evaluation of the effect of an intervention based on the PRECEDE-PROCEED model on the improvement of menstrual management in teenager girls, Kermanshah [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: Mental health Determining the Theory of Planned Behavior’s Predictive Power on University Students' Positive Thinking [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: Mental health Determining the Emotional Intelligence Components Predictive Power on Academic Stress Coping Skills [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: Mental health The Effectiveness of Mindfulness Training on Reducing Aggression and Increasing the Mental Health of Soldiers [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Metabolic Syndrome The effect of self-management training based on cognitive behavioral group therapy on components of adult’s metabolic syndrome – A randomized clinical trial [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Middle-Aged Effect of Educational Intervention Based on Motivational Protection Theory on Colorectal Cancer Screening Behaviors of Middle-aged Adults aged 45 to 55 in Eastern Iran [Volume 13, Number 2]
:: Military Personnel. The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Training on Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile among Soldiers [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: Ministry of Health and Medical Education of Iran. Factors Influencing the Social Health of Employees of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education in Iran [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Stress Management Training (CBSM) on Reducing Stress Symptoms of Women with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Multiple Sclerosis Disease Development of Structural Model of the Quality of life and Health Promotion of women with Multiple Sclerosis based on the Illness perception and Health Hardiness with the mediation of Social Cognition [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: Multiple Sclerosis. The Effect of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Improvement of Quality of life in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Municipal health centers The Effect of Education Based on the Precede-Proceed Model on the Mental Health of Middle -aged Women referred to Municipal Health Houses of Tehran [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: Nowshahr. The Effect of an Educational Intervention Based on Health Belief Model on Improving Smoking Preventive Behaviors among Students [Volume 4, Number 4]
:: Nurses The Effect of Cognitive Rehabilitation on Social Well-Being, Quality of Life and Marital Satisfaction of Nurses [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: Nursing Students Examining the impact of an educational intervention based on the Precaution Adoption Process Model (PAPM) on conducting HIV screening tests in nursing students [Volume 12, Number 3]
:: Nutritional Practice The Study of Relationship Between Health Literacy and Nutritional Practice in High School Adolescents in Tehran [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: Nutritional Status Investigating the Theory Based Educational Intervention Effect on Preventive Nutritional Behaviours of Gastric Cancer among Employees of Meshginshar in 2022 [Volume 12, Number 2]
:: Obesity Comparison of the Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Diet Therapy on Weight Reduction and Promotion of Lifestyle Self-Efficacy in Obese People [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Obesity The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Weight Loss and Cognitive Emotion Regulation in Obese Individuals [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Obesity Comparison of the Effectiveness of Mindfulness Intervention, Auricular Acupuncture, and Their Combined Intervention on Eating Behavior Styles and Body Mass Index in Women with Obesity: A Clinical Study [Volume 13, Number 3]
:: Older People ؛Self-Efficacy ؛Activity Daily Living ؛ Education The effect of theory based educational intervention on self-efficacy and activities of daily living in the older people resident in nursing homes in Isfahan city [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: Overweight This article was retracted due to scientific plagiarism ((The Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Body Mass Index, the Perception of Physical Image and Self-Concept of Overweight People)) [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: Overweight The Role of Health-Oriented Lifestyle and Health Locus of Control in Predicting the Risk of Overweight [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: Overweight Effects of High Intensity Interval Training on Musclin and Insulin in Overweight Female Students [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Overweight. The Effect of Emotion Regulation Skills’ Training on Self-Control, Eating Styles and Body Mass Index in Overweight Students [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Participation. The Role of Tehranian Citizens’ Participation in Realization «Tobacco-Free Tehran Programme» [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Patients The Effect of Education Based on the BASNEF Model on Nurses Communication Skills with Patients in Hospitals Affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Patients The Effect of Educational Intervention Based on the Pender’s Health Promotion Model on Fatigue of Patients after Chemotherapy: An Interventional Study [Volume 13, Number 2]
:: People at Risk The Effect of the Theory of Planned Behavior on Health Literacy and Diabetes Testing Among Individuals at Risk of Diabetes [Volume 13, Number 3]
:: Perceived Social Support The Relationship Between Social Capital Perceived Social Support and The Women’s Mental Health in Sanandaj: a Community-Based Study [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: Perceived barriers. survay of Mothers' Behavior and Perceptions of Benefits and barriers in Preparing healthy breakfast and snacks for school children [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Periodic examinations Identification of Patterns and Factors Affecting the Health of Employees Based on Datamining of Occupational Examinations with the Purpose of Promoting Occupational Health [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Physical Activity. Evaluation of effectiveness of integration of Mindfulness-Based-Eating Awareness Training and implementation intention model on Body Mass Index, Waist circumference, Mindfulness Eating, and Physical Activity in Obese Women. [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: Physicians Investigating the challenges of physicians' participation in accreditation programs from the perspective of physicians in public hospitals [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: Policy Development New Strategies needed to Health Promotion governance in the Iranian Health System: Based on the results of a Futures Studies [Volume 13, Number 2]
:: Postmenopausal The Effect of Body Pump Training on Bone Mineral Density and Balance in Postmenopausal Women [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Postpartum depression Effect of Cognitive Training on Promotion of Executive Functions in Women with Postpartum Depression in Bushehr City [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Practice The Effect of Education on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Sirjan School of Medical Sciences Staff Regarding the Use of Food Labels [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: Pre-Hypertension Educational Program Based on The Theory of Planned Behavior and Its Effect on Self-Care Behaviors in Patients with Pre-Hypertension [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: Predicted behavior Utilizing the theory of planned behavior to Prediction the safety driving behaviors in truck drivers in Bandar Abbas 1392 [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: Pregnancy outcomes. Investigating the effect of virtual childbirth preparation education on the health practices of pregnant women: a quasiexperimental study [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: Pregnant Women Socio-economic determinants affecting the lifestyle of pregnant women [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Pregnant Women. The effect of educational intervention based on the theory of planned behavior on the incidence of urinary tract infection and its preventive behaviors in pregnant women referred to comprehensive health services centers in Rafsanjan [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: Pregnant women The effect of educational intervention based on the integrated model of health belief with the structure of social support on self-care behaviors during pregnancy [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: Premature ovarian failure Review Assessment of Relation Between 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D Supplementation on Women Fertility [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: Premenopause Effectiveness of Behavioral Activation Treatment on Marital Intimacy and Sexual Satisfaction of Women During Premenopause [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: Prevention and control Predictive Factors of Adopting Covid-19 Preventive Behaviors Among the Urban Population: An Application of The Health Belief Model [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: Preventive Behaviors Evaluation of the Effect of Educational Intervention Based on Health Belief Model on Preventive Behaviors of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Students [Volume 12, Number 2]
:: Preventive behavior of osteoporosis. Prediction of Osteoporosis Preventive Behaviors using the Health Belief Model [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: Primipara The Effect of Educational Intervention Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior on the Choice of the Type of Delivery in Primipara Women Referred to Health Centers in Tehran in 2016-2017 [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Prioritization of health education and health promotion interventions. Decision Making in Health Education and Health Promotion Interventions Using the Evidential Reasoning Approach [Volume 5, Number 1]
:: Protection motivation Theory-Response Efficacy-Response costs-perceived risk-risky driving Examining the psychometric properties, factor structure and validity of the driving risk perception scale based on the protection motivation theory and fatal factors in young drivers as a mediator in the risky driving behavior model: in the path analysis study [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: Public sport. Influential indicators of citizenship sports in metropolitan areas of Iran. [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Qazvin. Predictive Factors Associated with Breastfeeding Initiation and Duration Behaviors of 6-months Postpartum Mothers Referred to Health Centers in the City of Qazvin Based on Theory of Planned Behavior [Volume 4, Number 1]
:: Qazvin. Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior for the Prevention of Substance Abuse among Male Adolescents [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: Qualitative Research Explaining Students' Experiences of Health and Hygiene Class Integrated into the 12th Grade High School Curriculum: A Qualitative Study [Volume 13, Number 3]
:: Qualitative Study Explaining the Expected Skills in the Workplace from the Graduates of the Master's Degree in Health Education and Health Promotion in Order to Increase the Level of Social Accountability [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Qualitative Study Identification of the factors of socio-cultural environment affecting the physical activity students: a qualitative study [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Qualitative Study Factors Affecting the Participation of Iranian Elderly People in Sporting Activities from the Perspective of the Experts: A Qualitative Study [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Qualitative research Consequences of Online Social Networks on the Life of Couples: A Qualitative Study Social Online Network Consequences [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Qualitative research. Exploring The Teaching and Learning Approaches from the viewpoint of Postgraduate Students and their Lecturers [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: Qualitative study Impacts of Urban Traffic Jams on Physical Health of Residents from the Inhabitants ‘Perspective in Sanandaj City(A Qualitative Study) [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: Qualitative study The perceived supports for self-care in hemodialysis patients: a qualitative study [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Qualitative study. The Impact of Educational Intervention Based on PEN-3 Model on Oral Health Behavior in Elementary School Students [Volume 4, Number 2]
:: Quality of Life The mediating role of lifestyle in the relationship between coping strategies and quality of life in cardiovascular patients: A path analysis study [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: Quality of life The Effect of an Educational Intervention Based on the PRECEDE Model on Quality of Life Improvement in the Elderly Afiliated With Tehran Culture House for the Aged- 2009 [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Rasht. The Effect of Training Program Based on Health Belief Model Developed by the Fear of Self-Care Behavior and Hba1c Levels in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes [Volume 5, Number 1]
:: Rasht. Factors Associated with Physical Activity Based On the Stages of Change Model among Health Volunteers in Rasht [Volume 3, Number 3]
:: Rasht. Effectiveness of Cardiovascular Specific Psychotherapy on Heart Disease Patients’ Quality of Life [Volume 4, Number 3]
:: Reduce appointment to the doctor. The Effect of Self-Care Training for Health Ambassadors on The Number of Doctor Appointment Due to The Treatment of Minor Ailments [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: Refugees View of Mental and Social Health of Refugee Women in the Third Millennium: The big National and International Challenge [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Regular sports activity The effect of regular physical activity on aggression and quality of life of students during corona quarantine (Covid-19) [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: Reliability Design, Psychometric and Application of the Healthy City Indicators Questionnaire [Volume 12, Number 3]
:: Residential Neighborhoodood Association Between Neighborhood’s Visual Quality and Resident's Physical Activity: A Case Study [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: Resilience. Predicting post-traumatic growth inventory (PTGI) based on the perceived social support; the mediating role of resilience in women with breast cancer: A structural equation modeling approach [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Respiratory Protective Investigating the Factors Related to the Use of Respirators in Industrial Workers: Application of Protection Motivation Theory [Volume 12, Number 3]
:: Retirees The Role of Using Smartphones on Depression Rate in Retired Elderly [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Review study. Social Marketing Approach In Health Care: A Review Study [Volume 2, Number 2]
:: Risk management. Exploring factors affecting the community participation in the management of the Covid-19 crisis [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: Rumination. Effectiveness of Emotion Regulation Training Based on Grass Model on Reducing Rumination and Social Anxiety in Female Students with 60-Day Follow-up [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Rural Population. Predictors of covid 19 disease prevention behaviors in rural population: application Extended Parallel Process Model (threat assessment and coping) [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: SF-12. The Relationship Between Health Literacy and Health-Related Quality of Life in Students [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Sanandaj The Factors Associated to High Risk Behaviors in Sanandaj City Students Based on Health Belief Model [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Sarabad County. Explanation of Pap Smear Preventive Behavior among Women Based on Health Belief Model: A Qualitative Study [Volume 5, Number 1]
:: School students The Relationship between Playing Computer Games with Aggression among Middle School Students in the City Of Rasht in 2013 [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: Science Mapping Scientific Mapping of Papers Related to Health Literacy Using Co-Word Analysis in Medline. [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: Selection Bias Determinants of health expenditures of female-headed households in urban areas of Iran [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Self efficacy Investigating the effect of social empowerment on individual, social and environmental factors affecting physical activities in rural women [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: Self-Focused Attention. The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Improving and Promoting of Physical and Mental Health of Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Self-Injury Comparing the Effectiveness of group Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Solution-Focused Brief Therapy on Self-Esteem, Cognitive-Emotional Regulation and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in daughters [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: Self-efficacy The Effectiveness web-based Educational Program on Optimal Use of Smartphones among Students with Nomophobia based on Self-Efficacy Theory: The Role of the Medical Librarian [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: Sexual satisfaction The Effect of Positivism Training on Rumination, Body Image and Sexual Satisfaction in Women with Recurrent Pregnancy Loss [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Sexually affected patients Size of Social Network and Probability of Occurrence of HIV/AIDS among Sexually Affected Patients in Behavioral Diseases Consulting Centers [Volume 5, Number 2]
:: Shahriar. Determinants of Intention of Dentists for Providing Dental Care to HIV/AIDS-infected patients based on Protection Motivation Theory [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: Shannon Entropy Content Analysis of First Elementary School Grades’ Textbooks Based on Assumptions of Health Education System: Shannon Entropy Model [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Shiraz Adherence to Healthy Lifestyle among Hypertensive Patients and Its Association with Anthropometric Measures [Volume 3, Number 3]
:: Sirjan Using Health Belief Model to Prevent Skin Cancer among Farmers [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: Sirjan. Impact of Educational Intervention Based on Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) on the AIDS-Preventive Behavior among Health Volunteers [Volume 3, Number 1]
:: Smoking View of the people on the impact of visual media on the prevention and incidence of smoking among adolescents and young adults. [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: Social Entrepreneurship Designing a Model of Social Entrepreneurship in Diabetes Education and Prevention in Iran: A Grounded theory [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: Social Marketing  ing Social Marketing to Reduce the Use of Plastic Shopping Bags in Shopping Centers of Dogonbadan: An Interventional Study [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: Social Support The Effectiveness of an Educational Intervention Based on Self-Efficacy and Social Support on the Mental Health of Families of Persons with Disabilities [Volume 13, Number 2]
:: Socioeconomic Factors Inequality in the distribution of metabolic risk factors for non-communicable diseases: A military population-based study in Iran [Volume 12, Number 2]
:: Sodium The effect of educational intervention on salt intake of people at risk of high blood pressure: application of the theory of planned behavior [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: Source Credibility Health Messages Effectiveness on Instagram: The Role of Source, Message Framing, Involvement and Social Support [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: Staff Effect of education via Whats App on knowledge, attitude and practice towards breast cancer screening among staffs in Islamic Azad University of Hamadan [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: Standard The Latest Standards of Health Promoting Hospitals [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: Standards Health Promoting Hospitals: Concepts, Indexes and Standards [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: Structural Equation Modeling Factors Influencing Organizational Socialization of Employees in Iran's Healthcare System: Reorientation of Health Service and Development of Individual Skills [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Student Comparison the Effectiveness of Positive Self-Talk Training and Self-Control Training Methods on Self-Efficacy Beliefs of High School Girl Students [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Student Investigating the Effect of Storytelling in The Prevention of Re-Infection with Intestinal Parasites in Students of Primary Schools in The Villages of Urmia [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: Student The Effect of Education Based on Planned Behavior Theory on Physical Activity of High School Girls [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Student Survey of health and nutritional behaviors among high school students [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Students The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Stress Management Training on Emotion Regulation Strategies, Life Expectancy, Mental Well-Being and Social Adjustment in Students with Generalized Anxiety Disorder [Volume 12, Number 2]
:: Students The Effect of Educational Intervention on Citizenship Skills of High School Male Students: Application of Theory of Reasoned Action [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: Students To Predict the Concern of Body Image Based on Mindfulness, Experiential Avoidance and Metacognition Beliefs in Highschool Students [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Students Self-assessment of Mental Health Among Students of Iran University of Medical Sciences [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Students Investigating the Effect of the Educational Program Based on the Multi-Theory Model on the Preventive Behaviors of Getting Infected with Covid-19 in the Students of Yazd City [Volume 13, Number 1]
:: Students Investigating the Effect of Life Skills Training on the Attitude of Female Students towards Cosmetic Medicine Interventions [Volume 13, Number 1]
:: Students The Relationship Between the Concepts of Hope and Happiness in Students [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Students With Intellectual Disability Compare The Effectiveness of Emotion Regulation and Resilience Training on Psychological Well-Being of Mothers of Students with Intellectual Disability [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: Students. Regular Physical activity Based on transtheoretical Model among Health and Paramedic Schools of Golestan University of Medical Sciences [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Students. Investigating the effect of educational intervention based on Theory of Planned Behavior on the preventive behaviors regarding microbial and radiation complications of mobile phone in female students of secondary school [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Substance Abuse, Drug Abuse Pattern, Prison Prevalence and Pattern of Drug Abuse among Prisoners in Kermanshah City [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Suicide The Impact of Adverse Experiences in Childhood Relationships on the Mental Health of University Students [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Suicide The Effect of Mental Health and the Cohesion of Family Relationships on the Suicide Tendency of Soldiers: Evaluating the Mediating Role of Organizational Factors [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Tarom County Level of Physical Activity among Girl High School Students In Tarom County and Relevant Factors [Volume 3, Number 2]
:: Teachers The Impact of Education Based on Health Belief Model on Mammography among Bushehrian Teachers [Volume 4, Number 4]
:: Tehran A Qualitative Study on Affecting Factors on Quality of Life in End-Stage Patients [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: Tehran Association of Educational Planning with Mental Health of Nursing Students of Tehran Medical Science University with Emphasis on the Educational Stressor Factors and Stress Management Methods [Volume 4, Number 1]
:: Tehran Province. The Impact of Primary School Games on the Social Development of Educable Mentally Retarded Children [Volume 3, Number 3]
:: Tehran municipality. Impact of Educational Intervention on Mothers Empowerment about Proper Nutrition among Infants under 2 years of age Covered By Health Homes of District 18 of Tehran Municipality [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: Tehran. Effectiveness of group play therapy on depression and loneliness in 7-11 years old children with post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD caused by sexual abuse in Tehran. [Volume 4, Number 2]
:: Tehran. The Mediating Role of Subjective-Wellbeing in Terms of Perceived Stress and Hypertension [Volume 4, Number 1]
:: Tehran. The Effect of a Social Cognitive Theory-based Educational Intervention on the Physical Activity of Female Adolescents [Volume 4, Number 4]
:: Tehran. Relationship between Socio-Economic Status, Perceived Stress, Social Support and Domestic Violence With Women’s Depression In Reproductive Age Using Path Analysis [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: Tehran. Comparing the Effectiveness of Couple-oriented Emotional-Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention and Patient-oriented Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention on Improving the Quality of Marital Relationship in Women with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Pilot Study [Volume 3, Number 2]
:: Tehran. The Effect of Educational Intervention in Changing Mothers’ Attitudes, Perceived Self-Efficacy and Perceived Barriers Regarding Oral Health of Preschool Children [Volume 3, Number 3]
:: Tehran. Relationship between Anthropometric Characteristics with Social Physique Anxiety among Alzahra University Staff [Volume 4, Number 4]
:: Tehranire Quality of life in postmenopausal women in Tehran [Volume 2, Number 2]
:: Textile Effect of an Educational Intervention Based on Theory of Planned Behavior on the Use of Hearing Protection Devices in the Textile Industry of Guilan [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: Theory of Planned Behavior The effectiveness of an educational program based on the theory of planned behavior on the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages among primary school students [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: Theory of planned behavior The Effect of Citizenship Education Program Based on Theory of Planned Behavior on High School Female Students in Iran: A Randomized Controlled trial [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Theory of planned behavior Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior in Predicting Factors Influencing the Choice of the Type of Delivery of Pregnant Women Referring to Comprehensive Health Centers [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Type 2 Diabetes The Effect of Educational Intervention Based on the Health Behavior Process Approach Model in Medication Adherence of Patients with Type Two Diabetes [Volume 12, Number 2]
:: Type 2 diabetes Effect of Acceptance and Commitment Group Therapy (ACT) on the Hardness and Perceived Stress Coefficient Among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: Urmia. Effect of Theory-Centered Educational Program on Prostate Cancer Preventive Behaviors among Male Teachers: A Quasi-Experimental Study [Volume 4, Number 3]
:: VO2peak The Efficacy of Aerobic and Breathing Exercise Training on Asthma Control and Physical - Psychological Health Promotion in Women with Asthma [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Vaccination. The Design and Psychometric Properties of the Tendency to Use Covid-19 Vaccine Questionnaire based on the Health Belief Model [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: Vaginitis The Effect of Education Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior on Preventive Behaviors of Vaginitis in Health Ambassadors [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Video Games Factors predicting the stages of change in digital games based on the Transtheoretical model among high school students in Bushehr district, south of Iran [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: Vitamin D Effectiveness of Iron and vitamin D supplementary intervention program in high school girl students [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: Vulnerable women A Survey on The Effect of Group-discussion to HIV Prevention in Self-care Vulnerable Women, in Karaj in 2014-2015 [Volume 5, Number 2]
:: WHO food safety manual The Effect of Educational Intervention Based on The Who Food Safety Manual on Knowledge, Attitude, And Behavior of Women Referred to Health Services Centers [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: Web-Based Comparing the Effects of Health Belief Model Based Educational Intervention Using Two Methods of Web-Based Multimedia and Booklet on Mammography among Women in Bushehr [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Women Study on the Effect of Educational Intervention based on Health Belief Model to Prevent the Arbitrary Use of Drugs in Women Referring to Health Centers of Bandar Abbas [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: Women The Effect of a Health Promotion Program Based on Longwe's Empowerment Framework on Self-efficacy, Perceived Social Support and Health Enablers among Postmenopausal Women: a Randomized Controlled Trial [Volume 13, Number 2]
:: Work Environment alth Promotion Policies in the Work Environment of the Public Universities: Southeastern Iran [Volume 12, Number 3]
:: Youth. Relationship Between the Components of Mobile Addiction and The Level of Mental and Social Health and Lawlessness of Young People [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: Zabol. The Predictors of Preventive Behaviors of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever in Zabol Ranchers Based on Health Belief Model [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: Zahedan Predication of Compliance to Standard Precautions among Nurses in Educational Hospitals inZahedan Based on Health Belief Model [Volume 4, Number 1]
:: Zahedan Comparing Social Support in Adolescents Interested in Different Types of Computer Games [Volume 4, Number 1]
:: Zahedan. The Effect of Education Based on Protection Motivation Theory on The Harmful Effects of Solar Rays on Male Students [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: Zahedan. Effect of Animation Based Training Intervention on Protective Behaviors Development of Harmful Effects of Sun Rays on Male Students in Zahedan [Volume 3, Number 2]
:: adolescence Identifying the Components of a Healthy Lifestyle with Emphasis on Adolescence: A Qualitative Study [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: attitude Studying the Factors Affecting the Attitude and Intention of Buying Organic food consumers: structural equation model [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: behaviors Predicting the Preventive Behaviors of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in families with Children Under 10 Years, Applied the Precede Model [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: blood pressure The Role of Psychological Factors on The Psychological and Social Adjustment Through The Mediation of Ischemic Heart Disease Hypertension [Volume 5, Number 2]
:: cardiovascular disease The effect of cognitive- behavioral training on depression and psychological hardiness of Patient With cardiovascular diseases [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: children’s computer games phenomenology Mothers' Experiences of Children's Tendency to Computer Games: a Qualitative Study [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: chronic low back pain. The Effect of Six-Weeks Aquatic Exercise Therapy on Static Balance, Function oOf Trunk And Pelvic Girdle Muscles, Pain, And Disability in Woman With Chronic Low Back Pain [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: cognitive-motor training Effect of Cognitive-motor Exercises on Physical Health and Cognitive Status in Elderly [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: college students Assessment of Factors Associated With Hookah Consumption Among College Students of Asad Abad City Base on The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) in 2015-2016. [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: computer, computer user, psychosocial complications Prevalence of Psychosocial Problems of Computer Users in Abadan Oil Company [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: e-learning Use the e-learning and its Effect on the Perceived Stress on in Primiparous Women Referring to Health Centers in Ilam. [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: ecological and educational assessment. The Effect of Educational Intervention Based on PRECEDE-PROCEED Model on the Life Quality of Women-Headed Households Covered By Tehran Welfare Organization [Volume 4, Number 4]
:: education Attitude and Perceived Behavioral Control Toward Reducing water pipe Use in Women [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: educational intervention Investigating the effect of educational intervention based on the health belief model on beliefs related to the prevention of dyslipidemia in women [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: educational program Effect of training on preventive behavior of brucellosis [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: evaluation Determine the effectiveness of virtual training package for nurse’s scientific empowerment against Covid-19 crisis [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: experience Explore of the experiences of obese people in terms of the reasons of weight regain over time [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: experts The Effectiveness Method Rational - emotional, Behavioral Ellis on The Mental in The Experts Iran Khodro Diesel Company [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: female elementary students. The effect of educational interventions based on Health Belief Model (HBM) on puberty health behaviors in Tehran’s female elementary students, 2019. [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: female employees Comparing gain - and loss -framed message on the level of physical activity of women employees of universities and higher education institutions [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: first-grade high school Predictors of lifestyle related to reducing the premenstrual syndrome symptoms based on the Health Belief Model constructs among the first-grade high school female students in Urmia [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: health care centers Determination of Effective Factors on Self-care Behaviors in Women With Diabetes Referring to Mashhad Health Centers [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: health education Preparedness to Implementation of Health Promoting Hospitals Standards in Military Healthcare Centers from Nurses Perspective [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: health promotion. Role of health-oriented programs in improving the school's organizational culture [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: immigrant Sexual function and marital satisfaction of migrant women during menopause: An application of the theory of planned behavior [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: leisure activit Identifying the factors affecting the irrational prescription and use of injectable drugs based on the perception and experience of the stakeholders [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: leisure activit Healthy aging and its prediction based on individual, psychological and social factors in elderly people of Amol city [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: lifestyle The Impact of an Educational Intervention Based On PRECEDE - PROCEED Model on Lifestyle Changes among Hypertension Patients [Volume 2, Number 1]
:: lifestyle and self-efficacy Comparison of Health Promoting Lifestyle and Self-Efficacy in Female Students with and Without Primary Dysmenorrhea [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: mental health The prediction of mental health based on variables of Self-esteem, life satisfaction and hope among College students [Volume 3, Number 3]
:: middle-aged women The effect of family empowerment on preventive lifestyle of cardiovascular disease risk factors in middle-aged women during the covid-19 pandemic: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: mothers The Effect of Education Based on Theory of Planned Behavior in Mothers About Behavior Prevention from Development Retardation in Children Aged One Year in Qom [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: multiple sclerosis Comparison of the Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy and Hope-Based Group Therapy on Pain Perception in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: national level Designing health system scenarios at the national level [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: nurses Relationship Between Perceived Social Support (Family, Friends and Other Important People) With the Tendency of Using Psychotropic Substances Among the Nurses of Hospitals in Kermanshah City [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: oppositional difiant disorder The efficacy of life skill training on mother,s coping skill and children,s oppositional difiant disorder symptoms in military family [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: overweight Dietary Patterns Associated with Adult Obesity in Tehran, Iran: A Scoping Review [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: patient Evaluation of Self-Care Status and Its Relationship with Self-Efficacy of Patients with Hypertension [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: perception ,knowledge, health belief model, prevention of drug abuse, students The effect of education about prevention of addiction through health belief model (HBM) on knowledge and perceptions of high school students in Saveh [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: physical activity Identification of Behavior patterns related to lifestyle in Gorgan university students [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: physical activity promotion Characteristics of a School-Based Program to Promote Physical Activity in Adolescents and Interventional FrameWork: a Qualitative Study [Volume 5, Number 2]
:: postpartum period Consequences of pregnancy training; Lifestyle modification or increase vaginal delivery? A retrospective cohort study [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: pre-university students The Effect of Educational Intervention Based on The Health Belief Model on Improvement of Preventive Behaviors Towards Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) Among Girls of Pre-University in Tehran [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: predictors Predictors of fruit and vegetable consumption among female high school students based on PRECEDE model [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: prevention Investigating the effectiveness of the educational intervention based on the health belief model on the preventive behaviors of covid-19 in bank employees [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: psychometric Development and Validation of An Instrument for Determining Knowledge and Practice of Pistachio Farmers in Terms of Aflatoxin and the Prevention Methods of its Production in Pistachio Product [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: public health Threatening and intensifying the future of food insecurity in Iran with the outbreak of covid-19 [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: qualitative study Exploring The Strengths, Challenges and Improvement Strategy For Health-Promoting Schools From School Health Experts [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: quality of work life and life satisfaction. The Mediating Role of Quality of Work Life between Psychological Capital and Life Satisfaction [Volume 3, Number 1]
:: road traffic injuries The Lived Experience of Physical-Motor Disability Due to Traffic Accidents: A Phenomenological Study [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: self-assessment Self-assessment for implementation of health promotion standards in hospitals, in medical education centers of Isfahan city [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: social class Investigating The Quality-of-Life Aged Individuals and Its Relationship with Socio-Economic Situation in The City of Sanandaj [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: social cognitive theory Applying the Social Cognitive Theory for predicting the related factors to mental health of middle-age women referring to comprehensive health services centers [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: social health Self-efficacy Relationship With Social Health among Nurses in Taleghani Hospital in Kermanshah [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: student Promoting AIDS Preventive Beliefs in Turkmen Students by Using the Health Belief Model in Aq-Qala [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: student Relationship between spiritual health and happiness among students [Volume 2, Number 2]
:: students The Effect of Educating Based on The Transtheoretical Model on Selfe-efficacy and Decision Balancing of Junior School Students in Breakfast Consumption [Volume 5, Number 2]
:: students The Effect of Optimism Training Through Educational Movies on the Students’ Social Competence [Volume 2, Number 1]
:: students Providing a Model for Promoting Ethics Education in Schools (combined research) [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: students Prediction of Marital Satisfaction on the Quality of Life of Students of Allameh Tabatabai and Imam Hussein (AS) Universities [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: systematic review Identification of Effective Factors Decision Making in Crisis in Media rganization: A Systematic Review with Emphasis on Media literacy in Health Crisis (CORONA PANDEMIC ( [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: teachers Predicting The Mental Health of Teachers Based on The Variables of Self-Efficacy andSocial Support [Volume 5, Number 2]
:: themes analysis. Qualitative analysis of elderly physical activities development strategies and policies of selected and leading countries [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: type 2 diabetes The Impact of Education Based on Self-efficacy Theory on Health Literacy, Self-efficacy and Self-care Behaviors in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: type 2 diabetes The effect Blended training on comparison with in-person training on self-care behaviors in type 2 diabetes patients [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: university students Study of lifestyle based on the Pender's Health Promotion model among students of Islamic Azad University [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: women Assessing The Perceived Barriers And Benefits For Milk Products Consumption in Women Living in Tehran [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: words Systematic review, Narrative review, Meta analysis How to Do a Systematic Review Regard to Health: A Narrative Review [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: workers Effect of Peer Education on safety Behaviors among Workers of renovation of structures and machines shop in Bandar Abbas Oil Refinery Company. [Volume 1, Number 4]
فصلنامه آموزش بهداشت و ارتقاء سلامت ایران Iranian Journal of Health Education and Health Promotion
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